Teaching and Learning » Gifted & Talented Program

Gifted & Talented Program

EXTEND (Exciting Times Exploring New Directions)

  • WHAT: A pull-out program for gifted/talented students in grades 3-8.
  • NOMINATIONS: Made in Spring each year by teacher or parent.
  • EVALUATION CRITERIA: Test of creativity, Teacher Rating Scale, Parent Rating Scale, Achievement Test, Intelligence Screening Test.
  • TESTING TIME FRAME: Last two weeks in Spring and the first two weeks in the Fall.
  • TRANSFER STUDENTS: May be nominated during the school year.
  • PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: To develop higher levels of creative, cognitive, and effective thinking.

Abilities to be developed:

  1. To be able to engage in successful and active learning
  2. To be able to generate many, varied, and unusual ideas
  3. To be able to use multiple problem solving skills to seek a variety of solutions
  4. To be able to evaluate thought processes to determine best idea/outcome
  5. To be able to predict/hypothesize on possible outcomes i.e. cause and effect situations
  6. To be able to plan, develop, and present ideas
  7. To be able to communicate effectively through a variety of mediums
  8. To develop life skills through abstract thinking process
  9. To develop effective learning and thinking