Child Nutrition Services » Child Nutrition Services

Child Nutrition Services

The Lebanon Special School District’s Child Nutrition Program supports the district’s mission of “Committed to a Community of Excellence” by providing healthy, nutritious meals for students, staff/faculty and visitors. Research supports that students eating nutritionally balanced meals perform better in school.
LSSD offers free and reduced prices to eligible children as set forth by the U.S. Department of Education. These forms are available to download (see below) or at any school’s front office or the LSSD Central Office located at 397 North Castle Heights Avenue.

Since October of 2015, LSSD has participated in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.  Meals are provided at no separate charge to children in afterschool programs/activities.
This application is available electronically in Skyward Family Access.
  • Log-in to Skyward Family Access,
  • Select the "Food Service" button from the menu list on the left, then click the blue "Application" link in the upper right hand corner of the screen. 
  • If you do not have your Skyward Family Access log-in information, please contact your child's school. They can provide you with that information.
Make Food Service Payments Online:
You can pay with eCheck, debit, or credit cards. To make a payment online:
The Child Nutrition department implements Offer vs. Serve concepts during breakfast and lunch meal services. Although students have an option of which item(s) to decline, a complete meal is encouraged. The breakfast and lunch meal must include the selection of one fruit or vegetable to be a complete meal.
Breakfast Menus:
Students will be offered foods daily from all three breakfast components:
  1. fruit/juice/vegetable
  2. grains - 100% whole grain rich
  3. milk
According to new USDA regulations, students will be required to take at least ½ cup of fruit, juice, or vegetable and at least 2 other items at breakfast to be counted as a “meal”.
LSSD is now participating in Universal Breakfast, which means every student is eligible to receive breakfast in the classroom each day at no charge.
Lunch Menus:
LSSD lunch menus offer five food components (meat/meat alternate, milk, grain/breads, two servings of vegetables/fruits). Students can decline two of the five components, but must select at least ½ cup of either a fruit (fruit combo) or vegetable (vegetable combo) or ½ cup fruit/vegetable combo.
Meal Prices:
No charge for LSSD students
$5.00 for visitors
$2.50 (elementary students)
$2.55 (middle school students)
$5.00 for visitors
$ 0.40 for Reduced Price Lunch
Extra milk: $0.75
Adult drink: $1.00
Meals may be paid daily or in advance weekly or monthly. For more information regarding Student Meal Charges, please refer to board policy EHA (Meal Charges) under downloadable files.