Pre-Kindergarten Program
Welcome Pre-Kindergarten Students and Families
LSSD Pre-K Mission
The mission of Lebanon Special School District Pre-K is building learning capacity to ensure students begin Kindergarten with the skills for success.
The Lebanon Special School District has an excellent Pre-Kindergarten program with nine classroom settings located in our five elementary schools. The program is designed to prepare students with the basic skills needed to be successful in Kindergarten. To be eligible for this program, children must be four years old and reside in the Lebanon Special School District area. In addition, students with at-risk needs are given first priority in the program.
If you have a child that will be four years old before August 15 and you reside in the Lebanon Special School District, we would like to extend an invitation to you to consider enrolling your child in our Pre-K program. Pre-K Registration and Application day is held in May each year.
To learn more about the Pre-K program you may call me at the Central Office @ 615-449-6060.
Dr. Cherrye Robertson, Ed.D.