Federal Programs » Procedures/Notifications for Parents

Procedures/Notifications for Parents

The school district has established written procedures so that parents may learn about the course of study for their children and have access to all learning materials. Written requests to learn about courses of study and learning materials should be addressed to the Principal of your child’s school.
The school district has included written strategies to inform parents of the right to access their children’s official records. Parents may request access to their children’s official records by submitting a written request to:
Brian Hutto, Director of Schools
397 North Castle Heights Avenue
Lebanon, TN 37087
The school district has provided parents a written description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school and on this website under Curriculum Standards and Curriculum Resources. The TCAP or TN Ready is the State mandated assessment for grades three through eight in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. English Language Learners are given the ELPA 21 assessment in addition to the TCAP test. Testing occurs in the spring.  Of the four proficiency levels (Below, Approaching, Met Expectations, Exceeded Expectations), students are expected to be at least at Met Expectations. Additionally, students are expected to gain at least one year of academic growth as measured by and compared to the state.
The school district has established written procedures for parents to access the School District Parent Engagement Policy and curriculum.
The link to the policy is available here: Family/Community Engagement
The link to the curriculum is available here: 2024-2025 Pacing Guides 
If the School District Parent Engagement Plan is not satisfactory to the parents, the school district will collect and submit parent comments to the State Department of Education. Please send comments to Stan Blades, Federal Programs Director, at:
Lebanon Special School District
397 North Castle Heights Avenue
Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
615-449-6060 ext. 10029
[email protected]
615-443-6301 Fax
  • The school district and its schools provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, disabilities, and migrant to the extent practicable. The School District Parent Engagement Plan, information, and school reports have been written in an understandable format.
  • Information may be distributed in an alternative format upon request, including other languages, Braille, auditory tapes, etc.
  • The LEA has a written parent engagement policy developed jointly with parents and agreed on with parents.
  • The written parent engagement policy is available to parents.
  • The written parent engagement policy establishes the LEA’s expectation for parent involvement and describes how the LEA will:
    • A. Involve parents in jointly developing the LEA’s local plan, and in the process of school review and improvement;
    • B. Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parental engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance;
    • C. Build the schools and parents capacity for strong parental involvement;
    • D. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies under Title I, Part A with other parent involvement strategies under other programs, such as Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, State-run preschool programs, and Title III language instructional programs; and
    • E. Conduct with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of the schools served with Title I, Part A funds, including:
      • ** Identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities, with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background;
      • ** Using the findings of the evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental engagement; and
      • ** Revising, if necessary, the LEA’s parental engagement policies.
    • F. Involve parents in the activities of schools served under Title I, Part A.
  • Parent involvement plans include strategies to include parents in professional development available to staff and parents under ESSA. If the LEA’s Title I allocation is more than $500,000, parents of children receiving Title I services have been involved in the decisions regarding how the 1% is spent for parent involvement activities, including the promotion of family literacy and parenting skills.
  • The LEA’s records and policies promote parental and community participation in programs for ELL students.
  • The LEA involves parents and community members in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the Title I program.
  • In communicating with parents, the LEA uses an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, expressed in a language parents can understand. Technology is used as applicable in this process.
  • Outreach to parents of ELL students includes information on assisting their children in attaining English proficiency and in achieving academic success.
  • The LEA informs parents and the community of student progress, including assessment results and overall LEA and school performance.
  • Parents are notified of their child’s eligibility for service in Title I-Part A targeted assistance only.
  • Parents are notified of their child’s eligibility for service in Migrant Title I Part C.
  • Parents are notified of their child’s eligibility for service in Homeless Title X Part C.
  • Parents are notified of their child’s eligibility for service in Title III.
  • Parents of students in Title I schools receive written notification that they may request information about the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals who instruct their child.
  • Parents of students in Title I targeted assistance schools with 40% or greater poverty have been informed of the school’s eligibility for schoolwide status. Please note: All Title I schools are schoolwide.
  • Parents of students in schools identified as unsafe are notified in writing of their rights. Please note: Lebanon Special School District has no identified unsafe schools.
  • Parents receive written notification that if their child should become the victim of a violent crime at school, he/she will have the right to transfer to another school within the LEA.